Documents Delivery and Signature

DLT platform integrating electronic identification processes and digital signatures for remote submission of declarations of will and conclusion of contracts in compliance with national regulations and eIDAS. Ready for WEB 3.0 and tokenized economy

Billon provides all-in-one technology & services for user authentication and verification, as well as advanced digital signatures and support for qualified signatures for signing documents remotely.


Billon Unified Blockchain is more than just an e-signature platform. It is the next level of security, easy-to-use solution combining document integrity, trusted digital identities and trusted digital signatures. All for secure and reliable paperless business. Powered by decentralized technology.

Streamlined contracting processes with end-end regulatory compliant

Integration of remote onboarding processes with the confidence granted by digital signatures, all in accordance with eIDAS regulation, Civil Code and electronic identification.

Tamper proof audit trail for compliance

The process includes a detailed court provable audit trail for transparency and signatory verification. The use of qualified digital seals and timestamps for integrity and additional security of records.

Data privacy based on superior security model

Full confidentiality of any sensitive data with built-in personal data protection mechanisms including client-side encryption and biometrics.

Non-rejection legally binding e-signatures

Trusted digital certificate for every signature. Reduce the risk relating to attempts to reject electronic signatures and electronic documents by contracting parties.

High performance and eco-friendly process

Eco-friendly, fast and paperless solution, reducing consumption of natural resources, supporting ESG environmental goals.

Easy to customize and implement

Whole range of features and functionalities to conduct remote transactions according to your requirements.


Digital identity, remote signature and delivery confirmation - quickly and securely on the blockchain. The solution allows for fully digital and highly secure delivery, signing, and storage of legally binding documents in compliance with the PAdES and XAdES.


Digital Identity

Identity Verification

Digital Signatures


Delivery Confirmation

On-chain decentralized storage

Next level security and data privacy

Audit trail



Interoperability and business logic layer

Notification Services

Integration with Trust Services


Our solution protects you against man- in the- middle attacks with the digital signature provenance verification. A built-in digital audit trail means all records can be checked. against immutable blockchain data.

Apart from the fact that the document was signed our solution allows you to verify:

SIGNED THE DOCUMENT: Verification of the identity of the parties: the publisher and the recipient of the document

THEY SIGNED THE DOCUMENT: Verification of the time of signing:  with the system time stamp or a qualified time stamp

THE DOCUMENT WAS SIGNED: Verification of the type of signature: advanced, qualified and other commonly used formats


Sign legally binding electronic agreements and store them “on chain “ with a fully verifiable  blockchain audit trail. Sign files in compliance with the PAdES and XAdES